er din ultimative turoperatør i Sydgrønland. Vores speciale er skræddersyede pakketure. Til individuelle så vel som til grupper, fra én til flere dage. Vores base og udgangspunkt er lufthavnsbyen Narsarsuaq, men vi dækker det meste af Sydgrønland. Vi råder over 9 passagerbåde til ture og transfers. Vi driver vandrehjemmet i Narsarsuaq samt Igaliku Bygdehotel i Igaliku. Sammen med mange års erfaring og kendskab til området, giver det os ideelle betingelser, for at kunne opfylde netop dine ønsker og give dig et unikt ophold her i Grønland.
Great 5 day tour in Southern Greenland - We booked a 5 day trip in southern Greenland with Blue Ice Explorer. All of our pickups and boat connections to the various locations were prompt. It was... read more a great experience. A special thanks to Andrea, Alexander, Niels, Anna and the boat captains! The highlights were the Qooroq Ice Fjord and Hvalsey. We later flew to Nuuk on our own before heading home. Beware that flight cancellations are common in the area and we were delayed one day heading to Nuuk. Southern Greenland and Blue Ice are well worth it.
Fred S september 1, 2023
Best experience in southern Greenland! - Blue Ice Explorer is an excellent company. Claus, Andrea, and Aleksander were so helpful during our days in Narsarsuaq. We had a lot of filming to do, and they made... read more accommodations to help us accomplish all of our goals. They kept us safe and comfortable on the water and made all our boat trips around the area very exciting. They also gave us helpful recommendations of things to do in southern Greenland and were extremely knowledgeable about the local area. Look no further for a fantastic experience in Greenland!
sjschmidy august 30, 2023
Great time in South Greenland - Had a great time in South Greenland, staying 6 nights at 3 separate locations. Hotels were all reasonable or very good. Travel arrangements (by small boat) all worked out fine... read more although some of the arrangements got changed at short notice.
John M oktober 4, 2022
A geologist visiting Greenland - They were instrumental in hauling us around during our research in August 2022. They picked us up promptly at the airport. They would arrive usually on time and never left... read more us or forgot about us. It is well run. And visiting the glacier was the best experience I've ever had.
SDJBaumann september 21, 2022
Two great tours! - We were a group of 6 (three couples) passing through Greenland. We did Qooroq Ice Fjord tour (fabulous!) and then the next day we did the Qassiarsuk (Brattahlid) tour... read more .. all by boat. I would recommend both.
In between we stayed at the Igaliku Byfdehotel which was also great.
I would highly recommend this tour group! We did just two short tours with them, but on their website they offer many other multi-day trips
thebruckers september 9, 2022
Great experience, perfect organization - I spent 5 days in Southern Greenland visiting all major Vilking sites.
An incredible experience, and Blue Ice organized everything perfecly.
Strongly strongly recommended!
G6016DMcarloc juni 10, 2022
A geologist visiting Greenland - They were instrumental in hauling us around during our research in August 2022. They picked us up promptly at the airport. They would arrive usually on time and never left... read more us or forgot about us. It is well run. And visiting the glacier was the best experience I've ever had.
SDJBaumann september 21, 2022
Great experience, perfect organization - I spent 5 days in Southern Greenland visiting all major Vilking sites.
An incredible experience, and Blue Ice organized everything perfecly.
Strongly strongly recommended!
G6016DMcarloc juni 10, 2022
Great 5 day tour in Southern Greenland - We booked a 5 day trip in southern Greenland with Blue Ice Explorer. All of our pickups and boat connections to the various locations were prompt. It was... read more a great experience. A special thanks to Andrea, Alexander, Niels, Anna and the boat captains! The highlights were the Qooroq Ice Fjord and Hvalsey. We later flew to Nuuk on our own before heading home. Beware that flight cancellations are common in the area and we were delayed one day heading to Nuuk. Southern Greenland and Blue Ice are well worth it.
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